Document Type : Specialized scientific research papers


Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University, Zamalek, Cairo



The Trombwe - L'oeil: in the French language means "eye deception" and it is an artistic technique that uses realistic images to create visual illusion. The research deals with the techniques of theater scenery (Termblavi). In its presentation, the difference in terms of achieving the highlights of the theatrical scenes through the work of the artist in the recent period, lies in the recent period. , The psychological, dramatic, and social condition. The research problem lies in the use of these technologies to give an atmosphere, and architectural elements surrounding the place from one work to another according to events and drama, to achieve many benefits in terms of highlighting the depth of the place, giving the model to it, and linking the different elements of the place from furniture, accessories and supplements that follow the descriptive approach. To study the formation of the works submitted and executed by the researcher in the field of internal architecture and how to turn them into backgrounds in some theatrical performances.


Main Subjects

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Beowulf Boritt, Transforming Space Over Time: Set Design and Visual Storytelling with Broadway’s Legendary Directors, Applause (August 15, 2022)
Emma Troubridge, Theatrical Scenic Art, The Crowood Press; 1st edition (September 6, 2018)
Sean O’Skea, Painting for Performance: A Beginner’s Guide to Great Painted Scenery 1st Edition, Routledge; 1st edition (December 2, 2016)