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- هاوزر، أرنولد (2015). الفن والمجتمع عبر التاریخ، ج1، ترجمة فؤاد زکریا. القاهرة، مصر: الهیئة العامة للکتاب.
2,6 المراجع الأجنبیة:
Shepherda, Sianne lauren, (2010). Anglo-Saxon labours of the months: Representing may – a case study. England: Master Phil. in Medieval Studies, College of Arts and Law, University of Birmingham.
Henisch, Bridget Ann, (1999). The Medieval Calendar Year. Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania state university press.
Petzold, Andreas, (1995). Romanesque Art. London: Calamann and King, Ltd.
Calkins, Robert G., (1983). Illuminated Books of the Middle Ages. New York: Cornell university press, Ithaca.
Webster, James Carson, (1938). The Labors of The Months. Evanston and Chicago: Northwestern University, The Collegiate Press , Menasha, Wisconsin.
3,6مقالات من مواقع الإلکترونیة:
Jonathan Alexander,(Sep.,1999). Labeur and Paresse: Ideological Representations of Medieval Peasant Labor, The Art Bulletin, Vol. 72, No. 3, pp. 436-452
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4,6الصفحات والمواقع الالیکترونیة:
British Library, Medieval England and France, 700–1200. Medieval calendars, Kathleen Doyle, Cristian Ispir. Articles published on British Library Webpage.
KB. National library of the Netherlands
Digital Medievalist: The Medieval Calendar Year, Spangenberg, Lisa L. Article on her own website.