Document Type : Invited editorial articles


Department of Architecture, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom



The purpose of this invited editorial article is to contribute an inclusive insight into some of key aspects of arts-based research and methodological approaches in architectural and spatial design research. Following ontological and epistemological interpretations, the article is conceptual and involves critical analysis which is based on reviewing and categorizing classical literature while highlighting substantial number of contributions in relevant research developed over the past five decades. Premised on three philosophical positions—positivism, anti-positivism, and emancipationist— a discussion on arts-based research as a form of qualitative inquiry and the associated trilogy of art, craft, and knowledge making was instigated. Six frames of reference were identified: systematic, computational, managerial, psychological, person-environment type-a and person-environment type-b. Technically oriented research (TOR) and conceptually driven research (CDR) were categorized as perspectives of inquiry and were scrutinized together with their developmental aspects. Whilst the article is a brief reflection on some of the key contributions in this edition of JAARS, it captures an understanding of arts-based research, architectural and spatial design research, and their essential qualities. and can be viewed as an enabling mechanism by which researchers can identify the unique particularities of their research and the way in which it is pursued.


Main Subjects

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