Document Type : Articles and research extracted from theses


Department, Faculty of Fine Art, Helwan University, Egypt



The research aims to explore how parametric design can draw inspiration from biological patterns and integrate them into Exhibition spaces, focusing on the advantages and disadvantages of such integration in interior architectural spaces. The study is divided into several sections, starting with defining algorithmic design and highlighting the software tools that facilitate the design process for interior architecture professionals. Furthermore, it examines the relationship between parametric design and biomimicry and biophilic designs to achieve harmony with the natural environment.
The research emphasizes that mental and physical health greatly depend on a connection with the natural environment, asserting that such a connection is a fundamental necessity for achieving a balanced and high-quality life, particularly in contemporary urban society. It also presents examples and models of how nature-inspired designs are applied in parametric architecture.
The primary goal of the research is to understand the extent of the impact whether positive or negative of combining parametric design elements inspired by nature with biophilic design. This includes an analysis of the latest applications of Building Information Modeling (BIM) to support the implementation of parametric designs. The study highlights how exhibitions have evolved beyond their traditional role of showcasing to become interactive platforms. It suggests that algorithmic designs can integrate natural elements to enhance sensory and visual interaction, alongside studying the associated physiological aspects.


Main Subjects

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