Document Type : Specialized scientific research papers


Minya University - Faculty of Fine Arts - Department of Decor - Interior Architecture



The 21st century has witnessed major developments in various aspects of human life, including artificial intelligence. As the design world of interior architecture is constantly evolving, artificial intelligence techniques have revolutionized the way we design and innovate them. This field is evolving rapidly. At the same time of writing this research, more sophisticated technologies can emerge bearing future innovations.
The research problem attempts to respond to the conflict between the academic community in the feasibility of experimenting with this world and how to legalize it. And whether the integration of AI applications has ethical concerns such as intellectual property rights and the extent to which students can be allowed to use them.
The research aims to recognize the concept of artificial intelligence, its applications, its tools, its sophisticated capabilities, and knowledge of opportunities and challenges for the educational process. Demonstrating applied experience for interior architecture.
The research concluded with a set of findings illustrating the importance of integrating AI into the educational process. And recommended to experiment the world of AI and keep abreast of this development to establish controls for the educational process and its development within specific controls.


Main Subjects

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