Document Type : Specialized scientific research papers


1 Faculty of Art and Design, British University, Egypt

2 Interior Architecture, Faculty of Art and Design, British University



This study examines the strategic role of concept-driven material selection in innovative retail interior design. The research demonstrates how interior architecture designers leverage specific material properties to embody and translate their conceptual visions into physical interior environments. The findings illustrate the relationship between overarching interior design concepts and the materiality of the space, showing how this approach can enhance the overall spatial experience, brand identity, and customer engagement. By exploring various conceptual frameworks and corresponding material choices, the paper highlights how interior designers use materials to create immersive shopping experiences that resonate with brand values.
This research adds to our understanding of how materials are strategically used to shape experiential retail design, emphasizing that effective material selection goes beyond aesthetics to forge meaningful connections among the brand, the space, and the customer. Ultimately, it underscores the importance of integrating materiality with design concepts to elevate the retail environment.


Main Subjects

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