Document Type : Specialized scientific research papers


Sculptural Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, Egypt



The research reviews the plastic methods of the anamorphosis technique in the outdoor sculpture whose origins go back to the Renaissance, by reviews the historical background of these techniques from their inception up to the present day. Then reviewing models of the anamorphosis, firstly the Oblique Anamorphisms, highlighting on some of its applications through examples of the artists artwork in The field of Fragmented Anamorphic Sculpture, and Anamorphic Art Installation. secondly the catoptric Anamorphisms, and many applications bifurcates from it, which are divided according to the nature of the reflective surface. The research Highlight on some of its applications through the artworks of some artists in the field of sculpting cylindrical and spherical catoptric anamorphisms, in addition to discussing the latest developments in the art of anamorphosis, which is the art of dynamic anamorphisms. The research reviews all of these plastic methods of anamorphosis through the artists’ outdoor artwork.


Main Subjects


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