Document Type : Specialized scientific research papers


Egypt- Alexandria Alexandria University- Faculty of Fine Arts Decor Department



Digitalization has contributed to overcoming many problems highlighted during the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and its mutations. It created the need for institutions to provide electronic platforms and remote communication methods to achieve virtual presence and continuity of activities that previously required physical attendance by participants. The importance of this research lies in presenting the design of a presentation for the celebration of the International Day of the Arabic Language. The presentation platform is entirely designed in 3D digital format, and presented over the internet. The aim of the cyber theatrical presented by the research is to emphasize the importance of the Arabic language and its significant role in spreading cultures worldwide. Using a descriptive-analytical approach, the research concludes that theater can keep up with technological advancements and appear in a contemporary and attractive digital form through the internet, influencing audiences over all the world without physical presence.


Main Subjects

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