Document Type : Specialized scientific research papers


Alshorouk Academy, Egypt



The conceptual vision of postmodern philosophy had an impact on the humanities, political and economic sciences, and architecture. This conceptual vision gained strength after the First and Second World Wars. This paper seeks to support the relationship between philosophy and architecture, and it tries to substantiate that architecture and its various trends are directly related to philosophy and that the development of philosophies and ideas over time is one of the most important factors influencing the formation of architecture. The paper focuses its study on the relationship between postmodern philosophy and architecture as an applied model to identify the features of this relationship and the ability of philosophies to create distinctive expressive and architectural formulations. It also tries to support that architecture is not a monolithic materialistic product but rather the product of several philosophical, intellectual, and cultural factors.
For this paper to reach its objectives, it will conduct an induction and analytical study to review the views of philosophers and theorists who adopted postmodern philosophy and its influence on the emergence of postmodern architecture. In addition to the most famous buildings that expressed this trend and the most famous architects and theorists who adopted this philosophy, they asserted that they could no longer tolerate modern architecture loaded with strict moral values and a rejection of all the abstract ideals that modernism brought. They also emphasized the failure of modernity to satisfy public taste but rather to satisfy a group of elites who only have the capability of translating these ideals into architecture. Through these discussions, the study was able to establish a link between postmodern philosophy as a theoretical context and postmodern architecture as an applied model that greatly expresses the intellectual and philosophical contexts of postmodernism.


Main Subjects

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