Document Type : Specialized scientific research papers


Decor Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Alexandria University - Egypt



Epic films and German expressionist films have something in common, they both focus on events affecting the lives of peoples, such as wars, revolutions, historical and geographical changes, natural disasters, etc.
German expressionist films were characterized by some of subjectivity and emotional expressions, dealing with fears and human suffering, contributed to this, using Chiaroscuro technique, which reflects mystery and drama, the contrast achieved between light and dark, in addition to the low costs of this technique.
The research problem is: Epic films require exorbitant costs and high capabilities, that led to the production of these films is few compared to others, Therefore, the research importance is to highlight the need for alternative or additional cinematic reproducing that are visually attractive and have low costs and capabilities., Using the inductive analytical approach, research concludes that Chiaroscuro technique and the inspiration of German Expressionist cinema, can be used in reproducing many epic films for contemporary audiences., which contribute to awakening of societal and human awareness of peoples and their familiarity with historical events and important tournaments of human history.


Main Subjects

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