Document Type : Articles and research extracted from theses


1 Animation Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University, Egypt

2 Graphic Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University, Egypt



The main goal of lighting in 2D black and white animation is to reach the dramatic dimension of the film's events by illuminating the important characters in the film, so that the viewer can clearly see everything that he is supposed to see, as insufficient lighting can lead to Distraction in vision. For example, low light makes it difficult to identify important characters in a film, and highlighting different areas helps direct the viewer's eyes to where attention should be directed and what the scene requires in the most dramatic situations. The majority of the frame may be dark with a single light highlighting a focal point. In many cases, the lighting designer can cover a wide area and act as a base layer of light. The highlight can then be used to direct the viewer's attention to a specific area, such as the hero or central figure in the foreground. Lighting can also be adjusted to obtain the dramatic state we want in the scene and make optical illusions using lights. The research is concerned with the art of lighting and the scientific and applied foundations of light. It relies on the element of light to achieve direct visual vision to create the psychological, dramatic and artistic atmosphere of the animated film.


Main Subjects

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سيرجي إيزنشتاين - مذكرات مخرج سينمائي – ترجمة: أنور المشري – الهيئة المصرية العامة للكتاب2012.
عبد الفتاح رياض - التكوين في الفنون التشكيلية – مكتبة مصر- دار النهضة العربية بيروت 2000.
عبد الفتاح رياض - الضوء والاضاءة في التصوير الضوئي – جمعية معامل الألوان - دار النهضة العربية 2002.
ماهر راضي – فن الضوء- وزارة الثقافة 2005.
المراجع الأجنبية           
- Ideas for the Animated Short –– Caren Sullivan, Gary Schumer, Kate Alexander – Focal Press-2013.
مواقع الانترنت