Document Type : Invited editorial articles


Design Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Baghdad



Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a promising and active field in the automation of life activities, making predictions, and manufacturing new products and services, in addition to other roles it plays in the current era's dynamic movement. There is much discussion about this significant qualitative development, which people are now working on, especially those interested in scientific research and human knowledge. There are many potential benefits to it, as it can help us solve some of the world's most pressing problems, such as climate change, poverty, and disease. It can also help us improve the quality of our lives and our world in arts, design, architecture, engineering, and managing life's affairs.
The future of Artificial Intelligence is uncertain, but it's clear that this technology has the potential to change our world in various significant ways, and we need to start thinking about how we want to use it. Here are some additional questions we need to focus on when thinking about its future:
How can we ensure its use and benefit from it, and not harm from it? - How can we prevent it from becoming a threat to us? - How can we ensure its development in an ethical and responsible way?
This research paper aims to delve into its prospects and data, shedding light on both the transformative benefits and the challenges associated with it. Furthermore, the paper will explore its future importance.


Main Subjects

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