Document Type : Articles and research extracted from theses


1 Department Of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University, Egypt

2 Architecture Department, Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University, Egypt

3 Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University, Egypt



Most of the world’s population is concentrated in the Capital Cities because of its services and job opportunities, which sometimes leads to the capital’s dominance over the state and the centralization of services in it, as well as overcrowding and pressure on the infrastructure and the environmental damage resulting from pollution, For this reason, the concept of Administrative Capital Cities began to appear to cope with this to relocate the administrative functions outside the main capital city, and the relocation will be to another new Capital City that performs that function, which reduces the burden on the main Capital City.
The research aims to focus on this type of capital city to review the most important urban characteristics and features of these Administrative Capital Cities during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, through an analysis of some of the experiences of the countries that went through that experience; Malaysia, South Korea, and Egypt.


Main Subjects

  • المراجع الأجنبية

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