INTERIOR DESIGN SUSTAINABILITY THROUGH REUSE Development of Burullus Lake - A Proposal to Design a Touristic Zone in the Village of Al-Shakhloba

Document Type : Specialized scientific research papers


Décor Department – Interior Architecture – Faculty of Fine Arts – Alexandria University



The research problem lies in the natural local wastes that can be used in the village of Al-Shakhluba, one of the villages of Egypt, south of the coast of Lake Burullus in Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate, as well as the lack of good use of activities within the village to enable it to develop tourism. The research aims to use local resources and recyclable materials to design a creative interior architecture in which the plastic aesthetic values ​​are achieved. This is done through the contemporary methods of craftsmanship and adapted from previous studies concerning the theories and concepts of recycling materials, then studying the applied descriptive approach and using the recycled materials within the interior space. This method is also inspirational in discovering ideas that are flexible and innovative at low cost and in reaching diverse concepts for interior design with recycled raw materials. It enhances the development of recycled raw materials industries and attempts to put forward ways of exploiting local raw materials within the village with creativity and unique design to attract local and international tourism and provide additional income for the villagers and fishermen. This study is an application of design ideas through a proposal for a commercial tourism project to raise the efficiency of human resources to achieve sustainable local development in the region.


Main Subjects

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