Document Type : Articles and research extracted from theses


1 Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University - Graphic Design Department

2 Graphic Department - Faculty of Fine Arts - Helwan University



The interest of plastic artists in the Nubian heritage appeared when Nubia was about to drown due to the construction of the Aswan High-Dam. Therefore, attempts to draw inspiration from the Nubian environment were made. This research study is based on the inspirations from the Nubian culture and environment in the paintings and artistic prints of the Egyptian artists, with an artistic analysis of some of their work. While the Egyptian Nubian heritage is an inheritance that needs to be preserved from the danger of Globalization’s division of the intellectual momentum; there is also a need to consolidate its identity and enhance the civilized and cultural belonging thus, establishing the National Identity. It is necessary from thinking of the most successful artistic methods for codifying heritage and reviving it again.


Main Subjects

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محمد عباس محمد، البيئة المصرية وأثرها على إبداعات فناني الجرافيك المعاصرين في مصر رساله دكتوراة: كلية الفنون الجميلة قسم جرافيك جامعه حلوان. ص 100
بدر الدين أبو غازي، دراسة عنوانها شخصية مصر والطابع القومي لفنونها المعاصرة، من كتاب " الطابع القومي لفنوننا المعاصرة"، القاهرة، الهيئة المصرية للكتاب، 1978، ص 12
محمد خيري عبد الصادق، التفكير الإبداعى بين المبدع والمتلقى فى الطبعة الفنية، مؤتمر الفن وثقافة الأخر، 2012، ص7
مصطفى الرزاز، من كتاب الفن المصري الحديث، القرن العشرين
 ماجدة رمزى مجلة فكر وفن، قطاع الفنون التشكيلية، http://www.fineart.gov.eg/arb/cv/About.asp?IDS
 محسن عطية، قطاع الفنون التشكيلية، http://www.fineart.gov.eg/arb/cv/About.asp?IDS
Mervat Shazly Helali, The Impact of the Nubian Environment on the Works of Contemporary Egyptian Photographers, Master's Thesis, Faculty of Fine Arts, Cairo
Mohamed Abbas Mohamed, The Egyptian Environment and its Impact on the Creations of Contemporary Graphic Artists in Egypt, Ph.D. Thesis: Faculty of Fine Arts, Graphic Department, Helwan University.
Badr El-Din Abu Ghazi, a study entitled The Personality of Egypt and the National Character of its Contemporary Arts, from the book "The National Character of Our Contemporary Art", Cairo, Egyptian Book Authority
Mohamed Khairy Abdel Sadiq, Creative Thinking between the Creator and the Receiver in the Artistic Edition, Art and Culture of the Other Conference
Mustafa Al-Razzaz, from the book Modern Egyptian Art, Twentieth Century
Magda Ramzy, Fikr wa Fann magazine, Fine Arts Sector, http://www.fineart.gov.eg/arb/cv/About.asp?IDS
Mohsen Attia, Fine Arts Sector, http://www.fineart.gov.eg/arb/cv/About.asp?IDS