Document Type : Articles and research extracted from theses


1 Faculty of Fine Arts, Helwan University, Egypt

2 History of art, Fine arts, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.

3 History of Art Department Faculty of FineArts Helwan University Egypt



By the beginning of the Twentieth Century and the emergence of modern artistic trends together with the independence of artists in Europe, the concept of integration crystallized in the world of thought and art. It was then when European artists had the opportunity to learn and be inspired by each other's work, like the various fields of art meet and interact in a connected chain with respect to the elements, media, and principles of each. Incorporating the visual arts allows the internal limitations of each field to be overcome and gives the artist freedom and inspiration. Since then, it has had a common goal, which is to aspire to the aesthetic form and express the abstract spiritual content, through the harmonious form. The merging of the different arts reflects modern intellectual trends to become a living reality, it represents most of the art schools and shows a departure from the classical framework towards modernity and is still regenerating into our time.


Main Subjects

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