5.1 Books:
The Bulletins of the Committee de Conservation des Monuments de l’Art Arabe (1882-1961 REPORTS)
Published online in association with the Rare Books and Special Collections Library (RBSC) in the American University of Cairo.
Mahdy, Hossam (2017) Approaches to the conservation of Islamic cities: the case of Cairo. Other. ICCROM-ATHAR, Sharjah - UAE, 121p. ISBN 978-92-9077-266-8 (print) & 978-92-9077-267-5.
5.2 Journals
István Ormos (2019). "The Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l'Art Arabe: Towards a Balanced Appraisal." The Arabist. Budapest Studies in Arabic 40 .pp. 47-140.
Hampikian, Nairy. (2005). “Medievalization of the Old City as an Ingredient of Cairo’s Modernization. Case Study of Bab Zuwayla.” In: Making Cairo Medi-eval. Transnational Perspectives on Space and Place). Lanham: Lexington Books. 201
Nairy Hampikian,(2003) "Cairo: The Seen and the Unseen in
the Description de I'Egypte", in Napoleon in Egypt, Irene Bierman ed., Lebanon 2003, pp. 63-76.
Joe Nasr & Mercedes Volait. Chichester (2003), The Preservation of Egyptian Cultural Heritage Through EgyptianEyes: The Case of the Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l’Art Arabe.
In: Urbanism: Imported or Exported: Wiley-Academy. 155
El-Habashi, Alaa (2001). Athar to Monuments: The Intervention of the Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l’Art Arabe. PhD diss., University of Pennsylvania
El-Habashi, Alaa (1999). “‘Preservation’ for ‘Alteration’: The Mosques ofCairo and the ‘Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l’Art Arabe’”. In: Proceedings of the Symposium on Mosque Architecture, Riyadh, 13-17 Shawal1419 / 30 January
El-Habashi, Alaa & Warner, Nicholas. (1998). “Recording the Monuments of Cairo: An Introduction and Overview.” Annales Islamologiques 32. 81