Document Type : Articles and research extracted from theses


Graphic, Fine Arts, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt.



The research sheds light on the most important Sudanese art schools that have originated and their influence on artists in their works of art, and it also sheds light on the most important artists and their origins, namely 'Ibrahim al-Salahi, Mohammed Omar Khalil' and on the most important works of art in the field of drilling, printing and photography and their impact on the Sudanese artistic movement, and seeks to achieve an emphasis on the role of drilling art and printing and its predecessors without other arts in monitoring and handling works of art, highlighting the works of these artists and studying the springs of vision of both of them, and the limits of spatial research include ' Sudan - New York - Morocco - Spain - America - Egypt - London - Europe', while the time limits are during the development of the art of drilling and printing in the Arab world from the 20th and 21st century, highlighting the most important works of art.


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