Document Type : Specialized scientific research papers


Graphic Department - Faculty of Fine Arts – Mansoura University – Egypt



Cultural heritage is an expression of the way of life or the impact created by civilizations, which society has been able to develop and leave to later generations. Identity as an entry point of cultural heritage has an impact on visual culture, which has therefore influenced the illustrations from ancient times to the present day, as modernity has affected the arts in general and especially illustrations, creating new techniques such as digital art and photography as fast-spreading arts and easy to deal with the present day. The methodology is analytical historical where the researcher chose examples of the pioneers and founders of the art of illustrations in their handling of some of the works of the writer Naguib Mahfouz applying the dimension of the Egyptian identity to his literary novels. Thus, we conclude that the Egyptian identity has an impact on the visual culture hence on the illustrations as art that relied on literary novels and introduced cultural heritage to help protect identity from any external infringements.


Main Subjects

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