Evaluating Hybrid Learning Method as a Futuristic Approach in Teaching Different Interior Design Unit Courses

Document Type : Specialized scientific research papers


Interior design, Faculty of Arts and Design, October University for Modern Science and Arts (MSA), Egypt



There is no doubt that Corona virus had a negative impact on most life aspects; yet, it still had some positive aspects as it paved the way to using new teaching methods in Egypt, and with the expected continuation of the pandemic to an unknown period of time. The importance of this research paper in evaluating the new method is highlighted with the announcement of using the hybrid method by the minister of higher education.
This research aims to find a clear and deep understanding of the hybrid method, on how to apply it rightfully in different interior design unit courses after evaluating it as a method especially with the lack of any evidence regarding its validity as a successful teaching approach within interior design major in particular; with the purpose to test if this method could be a permanent replacement of traditional teaching techniques in the future.


Main Subjects

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