Document Type : Invited editorial articles


Professor Emeritus of Interior Architecture - Décor Department – Faculty of Fine Arts – Helwan University



The research is exposed to the definition of design in general and the design of interior architecture, together with the role of man as a creative creator of interior design. It also addresses the logical and philosophical concept of design, problems as tributary of creativity and what is the design concept. Then, the research reviewed some of the documented definitions of the design process and how to organize interior spaces and then moved on the formation in the structural dimension and the role of technology in the implementation of design ideas and finally the role of creativity in interior architecture.


Main Subjects

Bryan, Lawson (2006). How Designers Think - the Design Process Demystified. Elsevier Publisher-fourth Edition. (p.32).
Geck, Francis J. (1989). The Fundamentals of interior Design and Decoration. Brown Publisher. USA.
Messy, Anne (2009).  Boarder Survey of Interior Design Since 1900 - Berg Oxford
Pearson, David (2001). New Organic Architecture: The breaking Wave. University of California Press. USA.
Sparks, Penny (2013). An Introduction to Design and Culture: 1900 to the Present. Routledge. London. New York.                                                                                                              
 عبد النبی ابو المجد الارجونومیکس فی التصمیم الصناعی
 عبد الجواد، توفیق احمد --، المعاجم التکنولوجیة التخصصیة (معجم العمارة وانشاء المبانی) المؤسسة الشعبیة للتألیف- مؤسسة الاهرام - 1976 م--   ص 53
رأفت، على –الابداع المعماری فی العمارة   --الجزء الثانی –ثلاثیة الابداع المعماری –وکالة الاهرام للتوزیع