Document Type : Specialized scientific research papers


Architectural Engineering – Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT)



Egypt is home to great civilizations with special, identifiable heritage elements that represent aesthetic and visual values. Due to the overwhelming influence of Western conceptions, their use in design has been fading. In the scope of this paper, students’ experiences based on the project subjects in interior design course at the department of Architecture at AASTMT in the spring term of 2018-2019 were analyzed. The survey conducted with students revealed that students worked cooperatively, learned to create designs by focusing on style, historical themes, function and environmental conditions. This research aims to monitor and measure the extent of modern visions and trends in the students’ interior designs extent by focusing the effect of the pedagogy on designs with heritage elements.   Its goal is to expand the individual student’s understanding of this heritage, while elucidating the influence heritage elements as well as modern trends on their designs creative thinking development.


Main Subjects

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